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Certain things, such as changing the state of an entity, committing a block or executing an Iroha Special Instruction (ISI), can emit events, and you can attach triggers to these events.

A trigger is a fairly basic entity that can be registered. Just like with Accounts, to register a trigger, you submit a RegisterBox::Trigger, which contains the necessary information:

  • an account ID, which should ideally be a brand new account that you register in the same transaction
  • an executable, which itself is either a Vec<Instruction> or a WASM blob
  • an EventFilter[1], which is something that combs through all[2] events and returns true when it finds the matching event to start the execution

Let's take a closer look at how triggers work.

The Anatomy of a Trigger

A trigger has roughly the following form:

struct Trigger {
  id: TriggerId,
  action: Action,

The TriggerId is a simple wrapper around a single Name, a string with no whitespaces and no reserved characters (@, #, $).

A typical domain-scoped trigger looks like trigger_id$domain_name, while a bare trigger looks like @@trigger_id, which makes these names easy to parse.


An Action is the heart of the trigger. It is defined like this:

struct Action {
  executable: Executable,
  repeats: Repeats,
  technical_account: AccountId,
  filter: EventFilter,
  metadata: Metadata,


The executable linked to this action, either a Vec<Instruction> or a WASM binary.


The Repeats is a universal enumeration of all possible repetition schemes.

enum Repeats {


A technical account is the account that would (in theory) be responsible for the execution environment and be the authority for Instruction execution.

For now, you can leave this as the account that registered the trigger. If you have been following the tutorial, this is alice@wonderland. However, later on we will show you why you'd want to create a brand new account for those purposes.


Note that you can only use the account that already exists in order to be able to register a new trigger.


A filter is what determines what kind of trigger you're dealing with. All triggers respond to events, but the precise type of event that activates a trigger depends on which EventFilter was used.

The reason why we chose this architecture is simple; front end code has an abundance of event filters, and so, your knowledge of filters is transferable to writing smart contracts.


This Metadata is the same kind of Metadata that can be attached to accounts, domains, assets, or transactions. This is the storage for trigger data.

You can learn more about metadata in a dedicated section.

How Triggers Work

As we already said, the filter that is used to register a trigger determines what kind of trigger this is. It is, of course, also determines how the trigger works, e.g. when it is executed. We will go into more details about the types of triggers in just a moment.

First, we shall point out that there two other characteristics of a trigger that determine how this trigger works: its scope and repetition schema.


Triggers can be scoped and un-scoped. Iroha supports both un-scoped system-wide triggers as well as domain-scoped triggers. Since system-wide triggers scan all events, and domain-scoped triggers only scan events emitted in a certain domain, it is highly recommended to use domain-scoped triggers where possible.


Be mindful of the limitations. Currently triggers don't check for permissions , so they can do things your account wouldn't be allowed to. Un-scoped triggers process every event, and the amount of work grows quadratically.

Domain-scoped Triggers

While un-scoped triggers check all events of a specified type, domain-scoped triggers only look for events in a given domain. These triggers are more optimised compared to un-scoped triggers.

You can use FindTriggersByDomainId query to find triggers for the given domain.

When you register a domain-scoped trigger, you need to add the domain id to the trigger id using $ symbol: my_trigger$my_domain.

Repetition Schema

Each such trigger can be set to repeat either Indefinitely or Exactly(n) times, where n is a 32-bit integer. Once the number of repetitions reaches zero, the trigger is gone. That means that if your trigger got repeated exactly n times, you can't Mint new repetitions, you have to Register it again, with the same name.

After a trigger is repeated for the last time, i.e. the execution count reaches 0, the trigger should be un-registered.

Types of Triggers

We shall cover the following basic types of triggers and provide you with the detailed information on how to use each of them:

All triggers are essentially event triggers. The type of a trigger is determined by the type of an event that trigger is associated with. This, in turn, is determined by the filter used to register a trigger.

Data Triggers

This category includes the largest variety of triggers. The events that are associated with this trigger type account for the vast majority of events in Ethereum. These are data-related events, such as: an account got registered, an asset got transferred, the Queen of Hearts decided to burn all of her assets.

Time Triggers

Time triggers behave slightly differently compared to data triggers. There are two sub-types of this type: scheduled triggers and pre-commit triggers.

Instead of processing all the events generated by normal transactions, all time triggers process one event: the block formation event.

The filters of scheduled triggers are only interested in the timestamp provided in that event, but not the block height, and not the current time. They are executed according to a certain schedule. Pre-commit triggers, on the other hand, are executed right before a block is committed.

Scheduled Triggers

When going through consensus, all peers must agree on which triggers got executed. Scheduled triggers can't use real time, because then you can easily create a situation when they would never agree: e.g. by giving the Repeats::Indefinitely trigger a period that is smaller than the time it takes to pass consensus. It's really that simple.

So instead of using the actual current time at each peer, we use the time when the block got started plus a small offset. All triggers before that point in time get executed. All triggers that would be executed after that time wait for the next block.

Why we use the offset

The reason why we add this offset has to do with Iroha being best effort.

Imagine if we didn't have the offset... Normally, triggers would be set to nice round numbers; e.g. 12:00, 12:05, 11:55, etc. (as opposed to e.g. 11:59). However, the consensus can start at any point in time and could last a while.

Suppose that the block started to form at 11:56 and consensus finished at 12:03 (which is optimistically quick). Let's consider different scenarios:

  • If your trigger was supposed to run at 11:55, you'd be happy, since your trigger got executed just 1 minute late.
  • If your trigger was supposed to run at 12:05, it will run in the next block, not the one that was formed at 11:56. If you're the author and you're looking at the time stamp of 12:03, it makes sense, your trigger wasn't supposed to run yet.
  • For the trigger scheduled for 12:00, the situation is different. You look at the clock, you see 12:03, which is when the blockchain explorer shows you the block data was committed, but you don't see your trigger. It was supposed to run, but didn't.

So, the offset is meant to anticipate when the block would get added to the chain, so that people who were just 4 minutes early don't have to be potentially several hours late.

Because more triggers get executed sooner, your throughput is also infinitesimally smaller.

We could also say "you should aim to execute your trigger slightly earlier than consensus starts", but people writing smart contracts already have too much to worry about.

Pre-commit Triggers

This is a variant of timed triggers that gets run before blocks with transactions get committed. It leaves a special event to be triggered in the next block. Effectively, it's a delayed pre-commit that can track the behaviour of transactions in the pipeline.


These triggers are not meant for restricting the execution of transactions.

If you want to stop your users from transferring more than X amount of Y to user Z, you really want a permission. While you could hack the pre-commit triggers to emulate the desired behaviour, this is not economical neither in terms of gas fees nor computation.

Until Iroha 2 supports WASM-based permissions validators, however, your only choice is pre-commit triggers.

By-call Triggers

These triggers only get executed once the CallTrigger(trigger_name) instruction is executed. They can be useful if you want to achieve dynamic linkage between different smart contract modules.

Space is precious, so you want to use as little of it as you can. Thus, you follow the UNIX design philosophy, and instead of creating one large smart contract, you create many smaller ones, and re-use as much logic as you can.


Of course, this is a rather exotic use case, so it shall be implemented last.

Supported ISI

All Iroha Special Instructions work with triggers, specifically:

  • Register<Trigger>: Create a trigger object and subscribe it to global events.

  • Unregister<Trigger>: Remove a trigger from the World State View and stop passing events through it.

  • Mint<Trigger, u32>: For triggers that repeat a certain number of times, increase the number of times that the trigger gets executed. Can be done from inside the executable of the trigger.

  • Burn<Trigger, u32>: For triggers that repeat a certain number of times, decrease the number of times that the trigger gets executed.


    If the number provided is greater than the remaining number of repetitions, the instruction will fail to execute, and the transaction that it is part of will be rejected.

You can learn more about Iroha Special Instructions in the dedicated section.

Supported Queries

We list supported queries for triggers when we talk in more detail about queries in the next chapter.

  1. The documentation on the EventFilter types is under construction, as we are likely to make major changes to that particular architecture. For now, suffice it to say that you can look at the source code in iroha_data_model and see a few particularly interesting applications. ↩︎

  2. This behaviour is likely to change in future releases.
